Import of vB3.8.x Paid Subscriptions


Hi there,

When importing paid subscriptions from vB3.8.x., does XenForo continue to manage legacy paid subscriptions that are in-progress? For example, say a payment is made on a previous paid subscription and PayPal sends an IPN to XenForo -- will XenForo receive it and credit it accordingly?

How will a move to Xenforo affect members paid subscriptions which have an expiration date? Will the subscription still expire and revert the member to the standard "Registered" usergroup?
In terms of automatically, there isn't anything to enable that. You would basically have to manually manage the upgrades each time a payment comes in.
I'm a little confused about this process. I know the usergroup will import, and that the upgrade will be handled with a promotion.

If I apply the promotion to the usergroup, will I be able to reset their end dates manually for each member? (We only have 120 members affected.)

And then would we need to cancel the paypal recurring payments, or would they just stop recurring? Or would they recur, but not give the upgrade automatically on xenforo?
It is confusing... I am would really like to know what the process is to manually make an account recurring

In terms of automatically, there isn't anything to enable that. You would basically have to manually manage the upgrades each time a payment comes in.

Yes, I know which is why I asked this:

What exactly would be required to manually make each paid account recurring? I would rather take the time to do it manually than to lose the revenue.
You can't manually make it recurring.

The comment from Mike was stating that each time a recurring payment is made, you would need to manually upgrade it.

The long term solution is to get your members to resubscribe once you convert.
There are lots of caveats when it comes to importing subscriptions to upgrades. For one example, if the upgrade changed the primary user group, we can't actually properly import that (in terms of automatic group changes) as there's no concept of that in XF. We only allow secondary group changes. If it's primary group change, you'd need to manually manage the group change.

In terms of recurring subscriptions, PayPal doesn't allow any changes to the stored data in recurring subscriptions, so we can't properly import those (they still callback to the original URL, with the original data). When a payment comes in from that, you'd need to manual extend the upgrade or re-upgrade the user (both via the control panel).

Each of these will require you to take manual actions (relating to upgrading and possibly downgrading) unless the user does the purchase from within XF.
So I am thinking what we'd need to do is:
• Import the usergroup (it's an additional usergroup already)
• Add the promotion
• Set their promotion expirations manually (can that be done? Maybe change the start dates manually?)
• Cancel all the recurring subscriptions in paypal
• Keep track myself when each subscription expires, so that I can contact the member and ask them to resubscribe via xenforo

Would that work?
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