Hi everyone,
I just purchased a Xenforo licence and started the Import process from my former big-ass IPB-based website (5 million posts, 300k users).
Seeing as importing threads and posts is taking a while (got 5-6 GB worth to import) I am looking at the first imported posts -- about 30% processed so far. This is what I'm seeing:
I hid a few names but that's not what I'm concerned about, lol. All the posts appear as complete raw HTML. None of the styling, bbcode tags or anything was imported.
Is this supposed to happen? I couldn't find any information on the forums, doesn't look like anyone had major issues like this while importing their IPB...
Looking into the source code of the importer--
is this all that the Importer does when it comes to converting IPB posts?
I've got what it takes to do the rest of the processing on my own, but if there is a hidden/secret function that I overlooked I'd be glad if someone would let me know.
I've already seen the quick plugin developed by Kier that does a regexp search & replace in the posts, but no, thank you very much. Running a query like that on 5 million posts at once? You can't be serious. I'll have to modify the importer and create my own custom step for post processing. Having read the code a bit, it doesn't look too difficult in comparison of what I've done before.
Thanks for reading this!
I just purchased a Xenforo licence and started the Import process from my former big-ass IPB-based website (5 million posts, 300k users).
Seeing as importing threads and posts is taking a while (got 5-6 GB worth to import) I am looking at the first imported posts -- about 30% processed so far. This is what I'm seeing:
I hid a few names but that's not what I'm concerned about, lol. All the posts appear as complete raw HTML. None of the styling, bbcode tags or anything was imported.
Is this supposed to happen? I couldn't find any information on the forums, doesn't look like anyone had major issues like this while importing their IPB...
Looking into the source code of the importer--
$message = preg_replace('/<br( \/)?>(\s*)/si', "\n", $message);
$search = array(
// HTML image <img /> smilies
=> '\2',
// strip anything after a comma in [FONT]
=> '[\1=\2\3\2]'
return preg_replace(array_keys($search), $search, $message);
return preg_replace_callback('#\[media[^\]]*\](http://.*)\[/media\]#siU', array($this, '_convertIPBoardMediaTag'), $message);
is this all that the Importer does when it comes to converting IPB posts?
I've got what it takes to do the rest of the processing on my own, but if there is a hidden/secret function that I overlooked I'd be glad if someone would let me know.
I've already seen the quick plugin developed by Kier that does a regexp search & replace in the posts, but no, thank you very much. Running a query like that on 5 million posts at once? You can't be serious. I'll have to modify the importer and create my own custom step for post processing. Having read the code a bit, it doesn't look too difficult in comparison of what I've done before.
Thanks for reading this!