XF 1.5 Import CSV or XML File for account creation


Active member
I have a member database that was from a aspnet site which I wish to import into Xenforo. The XML and CSV I exported seemed to be gibberish to me but I was able to save the fields uniquely in a excel file. Is there a method in which I can export from excel to a new CSV or XML for import. I think username, real name, email address would be sufficient to create the accounts. The passwords are hashed somehow so think they will need to be reset on first login by user. So in short I need to figure out how to create a file from a excel .xlsm as a file which can be imported using something like User Import and Export by Waindigo 1.0.3a. Hate to think I have to create a couple hundred accounts manually.

Any and all help is appreciated!

You are likely to need some sort of tool like the mentioned one. Your best bet would be to contact the developers of it as they should be able to tell you the exact format needed (and hopefully guide you to getting it).
Renaming the columns of the excel document to the database column names and then exporting to CSV allows for the data to be imported into those fields. Going to try and match up as many fields as I can and give it a while. The tool from the first post works great.
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