Implement group mentioning (tagging)


Well-known member
This is currently possible using the Tag Me add-on and it is useful to be able to alert a group of people, for example premium users, moderator group, a team on a gaming forum etc.

In Tag Me there are permissions to specify who can use the group tagging, meaning this can be limited to certain members and prevent mass annoying alerts.

Would be great to see it in the core.
Upvote 79
I think that this is OK only for admins and moderators. If it was allowed to members they'll misuse it notifying a very big group of people which sounds like SPAM. Simply a spammer can post and notify the biggest group he can notify.
If it was implementer the options in the admin control panel should be chosen carefully.
I think that this is OK only for admins and moderators. If it was allowed to members they'll misuse it notifying a very big group of people which sounds like SPAM. Simply a spammer can post and notify the biggest group he can notify.
If it was implementer the options in the admin control panel should be chosen carefully.
Group tagging in the Tag Me add-on is a permission that lets you grant it to whichever groups you want to use it. I agree it could be used to spam alerts out which is why I've restricted its use to moderators only. I've also only allowed certain groups to be tagged (it's another option in Tag Me that lets you pick the groups that can be tagged) so even if I was to let some members who weren't mods use it, they couldn't tag the moderator group as I've not set this group as taggable.
So, if I understand this right, does this add on allow you to define a group (say moderators) and tag the entire group with a certain goup name (ie @moderators)? If so, can you customize the group? Fox instance, if I wanted to call the moderators group "Mods" for tagging purposes only could I do that?
Is this still going on? I'd love to see this get coded/implemented in, I'm looking for some code I could scrap together to put it into my forums.
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