XF 2.2 Images not showing up? Help!


Active member

I've just installed a fresh version of the forum software, but when it was installed, it seems to be missing the link pics that appear, like the maganifying glass next to search and other, see pic below

missing pics.webp Untitled.webp

Can anyone help me as to what I need to do to get the pics back? The software was uploaded using the same FTP i've used for years, so I can't seeing it being that.

Any help is muchly apprectiated

Check the styles/fa folder on your server to see if icons are inside. If not, manually upload this folder from the install zip and rebuild the master data (add the /install at the end of your root forum URL). If icons are already inside, just rebuild the master data.

Check the styles/fa folder on your server to see if icons are inside. If not, manually upload this folder from the install zip and rebuild the master data (add the /install at the end of your root forum URL). If icons are already inside, just rebuild the master data.

Thanks for your reply, I don't seem to have a Styles/fa folder? This is whats on my FTP.

I've also checked the zip file that I downloaded from the members area and it's not showing as a styles/fa folder either?
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