ImageMagick Issues

If I go to the PHP test info page, it says Imagick is loaded so I'm at a loss as to why it's not working. Any help would be appreciated!
Shared hosting, VPS/dedi?
OS installed if VPS/dedi?
Version of ImageMagick installed (and what does your php info page reflect)?
OK... one more quick question... PHP 5.5.8, 5.5.9, 5.5.11 or what?
I'll start seeing if I can figure it out (will take me a bit as I have to generate a VPS with Gentoo on it to use and right now I'm in the process of creating a new Debian for my motorcycle forum to split it from sharing with my Apple one).
OK... one more quick question... PHP 5.5.8, 5.5.9, 5.5.11 or what?
I'll start seeing if I can figure it out (will take me a bit as I have to generate a VPS with Gentoo on it to use and right now I'm in the process of creating a new Debian for my motorcycle forum to split it from sharing with my Apple one).
PHP 5.5.10-pl0-gentoo
Running my forum across Rackspace, AWS, Linode, and its current host, since 2010, I have never once had the ImageMagick integration work as advertised. Animated gifs in particular either lose animation or fail to be processed at all.

Across 3-4 linux distros too. I think XF's implementation is faulty at best, but despite this popping up a number of times from many different people they won't look further into it from what I've seen.

I just went back to GD.
Running my forum across Rackspace, AWS, Linode, and its current host, since 2010, I have never once had the ImageMagick integration work as advertised. Animated gifs in particular either lose animation or fail to be processed at all.

Across 3-4 linux distros too. I think XF's implementation is faulty at best, but despite this popping up a number of times from many different people they won't look further into it from what I've seen.

I just went back to GD.
It's just strange. I've been testing further and animated GIFs convert just fine, while a JPEG spits that error out :/
Okay the error occurs in the function 'createFromFileDirect' in XenForo_Image_ImageMagick_Pecl with the following error message:
no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/phpROmf9r' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501
OK, let me get this straight... it's an animated JPG file?
As far as I know, GIF is the primary base for animated files (and some id10ts rename them .JPG). In fact, I don't think (but don't take this as gospel) that you can animate a JPG file.
OK, let me get this straight... it's an animated JPG file?
As far as I know, GIF is the primary base for animated files (and some id10ts rename them .JPG). In fact, I don't think (but don't take this as gospel) that you can animate a JPG file.
I think he's talking about static jpegs ;) It's just similar to problems some (including me) were having with gifs.
I think he's talking about static jpegs ;) It's just similar to problems some (including me) were having with gifs.
Same problem (the renaming of extensions) I've ran into every now and then. The decode process expects the image to be one thing by the extension and can't decode it because it's actually something else entirely. I still don't quite understand the desire folks have to rename a .png to .jpg and the like - unless it's the fact they are to lazy to modify the html/system call to it to reflect the new name and just rename the image to overwrite what is already there.
Same problem (the renaming of extensions) I've ran into every now and then. The decode process expects the image to be one thing by the extension and can't decode it because it's actually something else entirely. I still don't quite understand the desire folks have to rename a .png to .jpg and the like - unless it's the fact they are to lazy to modify the html/system call to it to reflect the new name and just rename the image to overwrite what is already there.
The issues I've faced with ImageMagick came from images with the correct extension - though you're absolutely right that it could be @silence's problem
It's one additional thing to check. I know that I've never had any problems with ImageMagick on any of the systems I've ran - but I use Debian and the DotDeb repositories. Now, with OLS I'm compiling the PECL's myself (and may even start with ImageMagick - but why fix what's not broken so far for me).
I'm going to recompile imagemagick with some use flags enabled, let's see if it fixes anything :D
Nope, did nothing :(
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I switched back also go GD because the issues I encountered with ImageMagick. Maybe 3.2.0 final release will fix some things but so far GD is doing a great job for me.
@silence, I'm downloading the minimal Gentoo ISO right now and will be working on setting up a VPS with it later today (been playing with Ubuntu 14 Server and currently installing my test BSD VPS).

EDIT: Network install version doesn't play nicely first try. May be because I don't use DHCP for the addressing.
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@silence, I'm downloading the minimal Gentoo ISO right now and will be working on setting up a VPS with it later today (been playing with Ubuntu 14 Server and currently installing my test BSD VPS).

EDIT: Network install version doesn't play nicely first try. May be because I don't use DHCP for the addressing.
Have you used Gentoo in the past?
Have you used Gentoo in the past?
Nope.. and I'm having a "really fun" time getting it installed and configured. Instructions on their site are for grub - turns out grub 2 is what is used so I've got to go back and re-create the VPS again (after spending a few hours with it already. :mad:

Figuring out anybody who runs that is REALLY into pain. :p
Nope.. and I'm having a "really fun" time getting it installed and configured. Instructions on their site are for grub - turns out grub 2 is what is used so I've got to go back and re-create the VPS again (after spending a few hours with it already. :mad:

Figuring out anybody who runs that is REALLY into pain. :p
I switched to it to learn more about Linux, plus emerge is amazing once you get used to it :)
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