XF 1.3 Image Upload Issues.

When I write a post and upload a file and choose full image, it's visible correctly in my post. But when I hit preview the image is replaced with text - view attachement 24. When I click on that link I get this:

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

I'm using Xenforo 1.3.4 with UI.X 1.3.4 and the Quark custom theme.

Here's the board:


Any ideas?
This is expected. The post hasn't been created yet, so there is nothing tying the attachment to content. As such, a unique temporary hash is needed to view the attachment.

This doesn't exist when previewing. The attachment will work fine after posting.

This is expected. The post hasn't been created yet, so there is nothing tying the attachment to content. As such, a unique temporary hash is needed to view the attachment.

This doesn't exist when previewing. The attachment will work fine after posting.


OK, thanks. I used to see images on other boards after I hit preview that's why I was confused.

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