XF 2.1 Image Attachments, no alt text, thumbs got converted into full images


so I upgraded from XF 2.0.* to XF 2.1 on Feb. 1

Now in threads from before this date, images attached as thumbnails all got converted into the full image. The problem is, all [ATTACH]197286[/ATTACH]
[ATTACH=full]197286[/ATTACH] show the full Image, not the thumbnail anymore in old posts, editing doesn't help. With this, lightbox stopped as well for these older posts, as all attachments are full size now.

--new post, attach a file (upload image), insert as thumbnail -->full image gets shown, no alt text

--old posts from before Feb. 1 --> all images are full size in posts now, no alt text, editing doesn't help

--new post -->toggle bb code-->insert image -->big image is shown, I can delete this and insert the thumbnail, that's the only option who works at this moment.

What can I do to solve this?
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