I'm converting one of my busiest forums in the morning - wish me luck...

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
I'm converting one of my busiest forums from vBulletin 4 to XenForo 2 in the morning. If all goes well, I'll be converting my busiest forum shortly thereafter. Any advice, good vibes, whatever - anyone could offer me - I'd greatly appreciate it.

It sounds like the URL converter in XenForo 2.0 will do whatever I need. I switching to a new folder - so I know that's a little more tricky - but I think I can do it...

It's going to be a bit of a pain working out paid subscriptions - but I just cannot continue on with vBulletin any longer - so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to put up with.

In any event, I'm downloading XenForo 2 right now and installing it into a new folder. I'll be getting the layout and everything straightened out before I close the forum to new posts tomorrow and get moving on the conversion process.

This IS a bit scary. :p

Anyway, let me get started...
The first strange thing happened...

XenForo 2.0.4 - Errors
The following errors occurred while verifying that your server can run XenForo:
  • The required PHP extension cURL could not be found. Please ask your host to install this extension.
Please correct these errors and try again.

How would this be when I'm already running four XenForo installations on the same server? I just installed one yesterday without a hitch...
I did the import and everything seems to be working well - other than redirects - that system only allowed the main forum url to convert over. Everything from Google is broken.

Otherwise, I have users logging in and posting - but one member just emailed me stating he's getting the following error AFTER logging in:

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action

Any ideas why that might be happening?
Glad the import went well.

Please post in the appropriate forums if you want support (people won't generally provide support in the Off topic forum and some other areas).
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