Ignore Content

Ignore Content [Paid] 3.2.3

No permission to buy ($30.00)
All, I think. In my case threads and users.
Yes, users, forums and threads here. I don't have tags enabled, but I'd guess that is affected too.

From the tic_ignore_stats template:
    <div class="block-outer block-outer--after">
        <xf:pagenav page="{$page}" perpage="{$perPage}"
                    total="{$total}" link="misc/tic-stats" params="{$pageNavParams}"/>

What I see in the source for the page:
    <div class="block-outer block-outer--after">
So the xf:pagenav isn't working - some invalid parameter maybe?
I'm trying to add a preference option on the accounts page where users can select to show ignored users quotes.. My members find it strange seeing weird out-of-context remark in a post to an ignored user because of no visible quotes.
can this be used to ignore a user in a specific node while still being able to see his content in other nodes?
I have a client who is seeing some sporadic very poor performance when users have tens of thousands of ignored threads, some request taking > 4 seconds. The root cause appears that the ignore button loads every ignore record.

 [pool forum] pid 27727
script_filename = /var/www/html/index.php
[0x00007fef1c2142f0] Truonglv\IgnoreContent\Data\{closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/AbstractCollection.php:189
[0x00007fef1c214280] array_filter() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/AbstractCollection.php:189
[0x00007fef1c2141a0] filter() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Data/IgnoreList.php:60
[0x00007fef1c2140d0] getIgnored() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Callback.php:74
[0x00007fef1c213f70] renderIgnoreButton() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1403
[0x00007fef1c213ee0] call_user_func() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1403
[0x00007fef1c213e20] callback() /var/www/html/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s19/public/tic_ignore_content_macros.php:15
[0x00007fef1c213d70] {closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:701
[0x00007fef1c213bd0] callMacro() /var/www/html/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s19/public/thread_list_macros.php:191
[0x00007fef1c213ac0] {closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:701
[0x00007fef1c213920] callMacro() /var/www/html/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s19/public/forum_view.php:415
[0x00007fef1c2137c0] {closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1315
[0x00007fef1c213630] renderTemplate() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Template.php:24
[0x00007fef1c2135d0] render() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Html.php:48
[0x00007fef1c213530] renderView() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:458
[0x00007fef1c213480] renderView() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:440
[0x00007fef1c2133d0] renderReply() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:400
[0x00007fef1c213310] render() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:58
[0x00007fef1c213240] run() /var/www/html/src/XF/App.php:2190
[0x00007fef1c2131c0] run() /var/www/html/src/XF.php:391

[pool forum] pid 4895
script_filename = /var/www/html/index.php
[0x00007fef1c2142a0] get() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:101
[0x00007fef1c214230] __get() unknown:0
[0x00007fff7290fae0] ???() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Data/IgnoreList.php:59
[0x00007fef1c214190] Truonglv\IgnoreContent\Data\{closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/AbstractCollection.php:189
[0x00007fef1c214120] array_filter() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/AbstractCollection.php:189
[0x00007fef1c214040] filter() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Data/IgnoreList.php:60
[0x00007fef1c213f70] getIgnored() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Data/IgnoreList.php:28
[0x00007fef1c213ed0] isIgnored() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Ignore/Thread.php:185
[0x00007fef1c213e20] isIgnoredContent() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/Ignore/AbstractHandler.php:161
[0x00007fef1c213da0] isIgnored() /var/www/html/src/addons/Truonglv/IgnoreContent/XF/Entity/Thread.php:34
[0x00007fef1c213d30] isIgnored() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:999
[0x00007fef1c213cc0] call_user_func_array() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:999
[0x00007fef1c213bd0] method() /var/www/html/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s19/public/thread_list_macros.php:59
[0x00007fef1c213ac0] {closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:701
[0x00007fef1c213920] callMacro() /var/www/html/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s19/public/forum_view.php:415
[0x00007fef1c2137c0] {closure}() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Templater.php:1315
[0x00007fef1c213630] renderTemplate() /var/www/html/src/XF/Template/Template.php:24
[0x00007fef1c2135d0] render() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Html.php:48
[0x00007fef1c213530] renderView() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:458
[0x00007fef1c213480] renderView() /var/www/html/src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php:440

The number of threads that render on a thread list or a forum list is relatively fixed, and shouldn't need to load a record for every ignored thing by a user.
Note; my recommendation would be to get the protected entity cache to discover what records have been loaded for potentially ignored content and then use that to drive a query to the ignore list.

The simplest way to get the entity cache is to a sub-class of the Entity Manager class with a static method which fetches the relevant protected variable from \XF::em()
I'm trying to sign up to the forum so I can purchase this plugin, but I am not getting a confirmation email, despite it saying one was sent. Anyone know what to do about this?

Can you please add a setting for admins to set a forum to ignore for all users by default? This is handy for things like Politics forums where you do not want them to be seen by the general membership, and they have to UNignore to see. So basically it works like adding a permission to see hidden content.

Something like this:
Ignore by default [forum selector]
This is not retroactive and affects new users only.

I imagine it could be for new users only, so you were not affecting anyone's experience.

Thank you for considering.
I'm trying to sign up to the forum so I can purchase this plugin, but I am not getting a confirmation email, despite it saying one was sent. Anyone know what to do about this?
You snooze, you lose. Try this one:

Can you please add a setting for admins to set a forum to ignore for all users by default? This is handy for things like Politics forums where you do not want them to be seen by the general membership, and they have to UNignore to see. So basically it works like adding a permission to see hidden content.

Something like this:
Ignore by default [forum selector]
This is not retroactive and affects new users only.

I imagine it could be for new users only, so you were not affecting anyone's experience.

Thank you for considering.

You don’t need an addon to do that. This guide was written for XF1 but the principle is the same: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/using-custom-user-fields-with-user-group-promotions.4008/
Oh snap thanks!

What I am trying to do is I have a forum to import that has a politics forum that is password protected but the password is listed in the forum description so they don't have to ask for it. It's always worked well but XF doesn't have that. This should work as a good replacement right?
And Xon's performance suggestion:
Is this add-on compatible with Siropu's Recent Posts add-on? I just purchased Ignore More and it is virtually useless to me as the ignored threads are still showing in Siropu's Recent Posts widget.
And Xon's performance suggestion:
Will fix that soon.
Can someone who uses this add-on please confirm that it is effective in removing all ignored content from:

1. New posts searches (and new/recent posts widgets)
2. News feeds
3. Latest Activity
4. Search results

I am having difficulty in finding an Ignore add-on that effectively does the job of removing ignored content completely.
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