If not in a forum expression


Well-known member
I want to add to an if statement that if not in a forum do this.

I know its AND !{something}

The forum idea is 123
Depends on the template. Use {xen:helper dump $var} to see if node_id is available in that variable.
If so, use: <xen:if is="$var.node_id != 123">do something</xen:if>

Wow that took a while on my phone...
You forgot the curlies:

<xen:if is="{$var.node_id} != 123">do something</xen:if>

As James said, it depends on the template. For example, edit this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> forum_view

You can use this code in that template:

<xen:if is="{$forum.node_id} != 123">do something</xen:if>
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