Well-known member
What are the server stats of XenForo?
It seems like a lot of resources would be needed for creating demos, all the test messages, and whatnot.
I hope to be at that level one day, but I just wondered how much power is put into running solely this forum.
Right now, I'm on a 2vCPU/4gb server and it fits my needs... but, obviously, like everyone else, wants to grow. So, looking at this site and giving us an approximate idea about the power needed to run it would give us something to forward think about, as if it would matter as we'd keep increasing revenue.
Just a random thought
It seems like a lot of resources would be needed for creating demos, all the test messages, and whatnot.
I hope to be at that level one day, but I just wondered how much power is put into running solely this forum.
Right now, I'm on a 2vCPU/4gb server and it fits my needs... but, obviously, like everyone else, wants to grow. So, looking at this site and giving us an approximate idea about the power needed to run it would give us something to forward think about, as if it would matter as we'd keep increasing revenue.
Just a random thought