Mhh .. Then I'm doing something wrong ...
In my own template I write the following:
{$ Visitor.user group_id} {$ message.user_id} {$ message.post_id}
Only the visitor.user_grou_id works.
The add-on is my own, it is also selected below in the template.
There is also a separate listener:
Event to listen: template_hook
Callback is Info_listener :: template_hook
The listener.php is in the correct directory
class Info_listener
Public static function template_hook ($ hookName, & $ contents, array $ hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $ template)
If ($ hookName == 'message_content')
$ OurTemplate = $ template-> create ( 'Info', $ template-> getParams ());
$ Rendered = $ ourTemplate-> render ();
$ Contents. = $ Rendered;