I will definitely design for this forum.


Active member
Wow, I'm quite impressed and can see this forum software becoming the next biggest product around. I love all the features it currently has and a lot of potential!

I'm def going to design for this forum software and support it when it is released. I can't wait to see what is next. Will the style system be much better compared to vBulletin 4 (yuck)? I'm sure it will be :)

I'm looking forward to the future of XenForo.
Great job once again Kier and everyone else.

- Dominic
Skin developers job will be very difficult with xenforo, because XF has already very good design and it is minimalistic...

You are making a lot of assumptions here. A minimalistic skin is not suited for everyone and I am sure my forum members will never agree to this "bright, eye-hurting style". They gave me hell when I tried to use a white style forcing me to change the style. Also the style is a bit too bare/minimalistic ...it could do well with a bit of art...which I hope commercial skin developers will provide.

On reason why a lot of people dont like vb4 is because most of the good skin developers refused to make styles for vB4. I hope the Xenforo team is roping in some good style developers to make some good skins for Xenforo customers.
Thank you @Alfa1 , I appreciate it!

I recently opened up my new custom skin company called SkinMyForum.com and ready to get back in the forum skin scene after being away for nearly 2 years.

Back from 2009-2014, I owned a company called That1Design, which was more known in the vBulletin scene and serviced over 600 customers.

Cheers to a new beginning with Skin My Forum!

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