I wasn’t worried about the Corona Virus...

This guy is a sports commentator who is out of a job due to all the cancelled sporting events.

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Yeap. When I moved to VA years ago was the first time I saw cars that turned yellow overnight.
Yep, brought our RV to Savannah, GA area five years ago. Got a dark green truck and there have been a number of times that it had changed color overnight. Certainly took a little while to get used to pollen season.
I think you're right Lawrence but the significant issue I think is those who already experience mental health issues. I fear we may see an increase in suicide rates.

I think for the most part people will comply but the cost of that isolation on people's mental health concerns me.

I agree with you both. Although I think the softer the approach to social distancing the worse, longer and more drawn out this is going to be.

Most people are treating this 'try' to work from home and closure of bars, clubs, restaurants and other public social gathering events as a mini holiday and are still meeting people and gathering.

People are still flocking out in droves to places like beaches.

People are still going shopping, filling high streets, shopping centres, promenades and piers.

Flocking to mountains and parks and ending up in crowded situations.

The park next to me was packed yesterday, in South London, the worst affected area of London. Packs of families of mums and their buggies and children all playing together. Huge groups of runners running it tight nit groups with no space between them. Very few people making the effort to walk a few steps out of there way to pass someone walking or running.

People in ques in the shopping market are still standing right next to the person in front of them, even where there's bright red tap on the ground to keep people at a distance.

People just don't get it. We're going to be in massive trouble in 1-2 weeks if people keep being this irresponsible.

The NHS has already started contacting medical professionals calling them to come back and help ease the burden, even if their registration has lapsed.

My mums private health related business has already had to close due to this. So she has zero income and still fixed overheads, and the government so far is doing bugger all for someone like her who is self employed and runs her own business, while offering an (incredibly generous and more than I would have guessed) 80% continue in pay for anyone on PAYE to not go to work.

It's a massive concern. In addition they want her to return to help the NHS, which on the surface is fine and she'd love to help. But she's high risk, in her late 60's and has respiratory issue, which is terrifying to me as it would be throwing her straight into the heart of it.

People need to wake up and start taking the isolation and social distancing seriously, this isn't a holiday.
@RobinHood I think that's the reason why the government haven't clamped down hard on it. Here in the West, Europe and the US, we're not used to long-term limited freedoms, nor are really any of the people alive right now (in the west) experienced with actually large-scale pandemics that spread, have notable incubation periods and are relatively fatal. The last one was perhaps the Spanish flu, a century ago.

If you tell Western people they have to stay at home I'm not sure they'll universally listen. I think the reaction here is a bit arrogant, really. Unfortunately, it's probably already too late to change what happens in a week or two. Italy has been in total lockdown for almost 2 weeks now and the rate of death is still rising. Whatever actions are taken now have a bit of a delay to show, because cases have already been transmitted that probably won't turn fatal for a few weeks.

If Italy and Spain are any valid indicator, Europe and America are in for a shock in 2 weeks time at this rate.


Articles like this: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/en...us-self-isolation_uk_5e74cba0c5b6f5b7c542a9a4

I see the reasoning and the mental health impact of it. But...
Due to the schools being closed and so many kids only getting their main meal at school, and people being dependent on food banks, etc. I went a different route and started an online fundraiser.

Unfortunately it has only reached just over $800, but that equates to over 4,000 meals, so it's something.


I actually did the calculation as I didn't believe that such a small difference in the infection rate could have such a massive difference in the total figure.
well, things get messed up here. Due to this, all the things getting limited and doing work getting worse from home. and 2 patients near my house get positive and I am in fear now that how fast it's reaching close. and some peoples in India taking profit it by selling normal day life stuff at hight cost due to lockdown.
In the Netherlands we have an intelligent lockdown. That's what it looked like last weekend:



Everywhere is the call to keep 1.5 meters apart.

Well in the US it seems there's a surge in gun sales. Unless they are going to shoot the virus (as with the hurricanes), I suppose they'll just be shooting each other.

Typical..... 👿 Anyway, there is a real threat from criminals now even more than before. They are letting many out of the jails as they might get infected. Aww, pardon me if I'm not all that upset. Guess what, police are only responding to the most serious of crimes and that even takes time.

A certain group that until recently was very anti-gun are now the ones in a buying frenzy. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of them to be had and the ones that are making purchases are angry about limits, having to wait 10 days to complete the process, etc. All things they voted for as "common sense"... 🤪 If you ask them why they voted for more and more restrictions you get the typical deer in the headlight stare before they walk away.

Real or perceived people are in panic mode and are behaving accordingly.

Ahh the city folks. Another story there... They leave the city, go to their summer homes in our area. So NYC, the ones with the highest number of infections, think its a great idea to come here and wipe out the stores and overwhelm local medical. It will happen at some point as they are here already. Its only a matter of time before they begin getting ill and pass it to the locals. They are supposed to shelter in place. Guess that it doesn't apply to them...

The human race will be its own undoing. Been on this planet a very long time and I don't think I expected to see the world headed down this path. Only good thing I guess is the planet gets a bit of a break and that some people are actually helping each other for a change.
The Brits and Aussies will like this:

An important message from Clarkson, Hammond & May

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