XF 2.1 I want to create a forum skin


New member
Hi, I want my own forum skin, but I don't know how to make one atm, I want to learn to do it myself, how much time will it take and what do I need to learn exactly? Could I learn to do this in a month or so?
Creating a completely custom theme will require some HTML and css knowledge. If you aren't comfortable with that, editing the Style Properties in the admin cpanel would be a simple way to customize certain areas of your theme :)
Creating a completely custom theme will require some HTML and css knowledge. If you aren't comfortable with that, editing the Style Properties in the admin cpanel would be a simple way to customize certain areas of your theme :)
Since no one replied untill today I went ahead and started a course on html, then later css with the goal of being able to make a custom theme by July 12th.
Get in touch with me via PM. I will help you out creating a style for your forum. Free of charge as I always do.
Thank you, I'll take you up on your offer.:)
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