XF 1.5 I need some help/guide for customization (news & online users)


Hello everyone!

I just bought Xenforo again (after going through some other forum software) and decided that this was the best :-). Good to be back! But now to get on topic.

I am trying to create a custom index (frontpage) and I'm doing this through a template.
I have a bit troubles of finding out how to do stuff.
I'll throw my questions out and hopefully I'll get some replies on it.

1) What is the best way to show the latest news topics with an image and basic information?
Example: http://puu.sh/nqdVp/26ef1b048d.jpg

2) How could I show the current members online (only their avatar)?

Basically I'm trying to figure out how to show the sideblock/widget content in templates.
Any reply is much appreciated!

- XaR
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