XF 1.5 I need help with some icons!


New member
It means that odds are you haven't fully uploaded the files to where they all belong.
There are several questions that have to be answered before you can be told exactly what to do.
1) are you running a child style off of UI.X (you should be - if not, that's mistake #1)
2) have you created a new /styles/yourcustomname folder and copied the files from styles/uix into it?
3) have you changed the path to the images in the ACP for the new child style?
How can I check those?
Also, I do not have a styles/uix

All I have is Dark and Default
If you installed the UI.X add-on and style correctly, you should see (in your ACP for styles) something like this

Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 5.23.10 PM.webp
The Bent Bike v1 is my child style that I use for all my customizations.
It has a custom path to images set (where I copied all the /uix files)

Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 5.24.29 PM.webp

If you are having a hard time understanding this, then you need to (as Brogan said) either hire someone to do it for you or submit a ticket for installation from Audentio, or find someone you trust to do it for free (that knows what they are doing).
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