I Have a Question for Xenforo 2.3?

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Or should I buy Portal without waiting for version 2.3?
If you are willing to wait in complete uncertainty for a year to several years then its ok :)

I've been waiting 2.3 for over a year because someone promised to release an update in 2022.
I paused all custom development, and this is not only a waste of time but also money because the functionality I need is not launched and I still do not understand whether it is better to wait more or do it now (to redo it later after the update).
If the functionality you need is not there, build it. You don’t need to upgrade to 2.3 day one and you might very well find that the functionality you need isnt in 2.3 either.
I understand that waiting for a promised update can be frustrating and costly, especially when it delays your custom development plans. However, it's important to weigh the potential benefits of the update against the costs of waiting.

If you're unsure whether to wait or proceed with your custom development, you might want to consider seeking the advice of an expert in ecommerce development. Companies like Centum-D specialize in ecommerce development and can help you make an informed decision about whether to wait for the update or proceed with your project now.
Dear All,

Lately, I have been hearing rumors about the release of XenForo version 2.3. I am curious to know whether this is indeed true or just mere speculation.

Furthermore, I have not come across any clear roadmap outlining the future development of XenForo, both in terms of upcoming releases and its past progress.

If anyone has reliable information regarding these matters, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it with the group.

Thank you.

Best regards,
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