I do not understand that I am paying


New member
Hello, I need to migrate from Enjin for reasons of the same website that closes. and I don't understand how XenForo comoro works. what do i pay do i need to stop month to month or just once and then pay again if i want to upgrade?
We have two options - our Cloud service and a self-hosted installation.

Cloud service

For the Cloud service, the payment is monthly (automatic recurring) and includes fully managed hosting, all software including the Media Gallery, Resource Manager, and Enhanced Search add-ons, and a URL.

You can choose from the following URLs:
  • name.community.forum
  • name.xenforo.cloud
  • name.xenforo-hosting.com
You can also use your own custom URL, which you would need to purchase separately.
We will explain how to connect it once you subscribe to the service.

The software is pre-installed and the site is ready to use within a few minutes of signing up.

Pricing for the Starter plan is $60 per month, or $648 per year if paid annually.
The Standard plan costs $100 per month, or $1080 per year if paid annually, while our Business plan, which includes priority customer support costs $250 per month or $2700 for annual payment.
Note that the annual costs include a 10% discount.

The service can be purchased at the following links, with options for monthly or annual billing:

We can also build custom plans for enterprise, please let us know your requirements if you would like further information on our enterprise plans.


For the self-hosted option, the initial license purchase is a one-off payment, which includes 12 months of support and updates.

After 12 months, the license is still valid and you can continue to use the software with no additional charges, but should you wish to download new releases or access ticket support, you would need to purchase a 1-year extension.

Otherwise, you can choose not to renew support and remain on the same version.

You will also need to separately purchase a domain (URL) and hosting.

Pricing for self-hosted licenses is here: https://xenforo.com/purchase/self-hosted/
A standard license costs $160 with an annual renewal cost of $55.
The add-ons are optional with additional purchase and renewal costs.

We don't have a native Enjin importer so a workaround would be required.
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