******* - Hydrogen [Deleted]

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******* updated ******* - Hydrogen with a new update entry:

Version 1.2.4

- Fixed some display bugs on sidebar.
- Compatible with XenForo 1.2.4.

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Great style! It was just what I was looking for.
If you could, I would like to shoot a couple of questions.
How can I modify the ad banner? I would like to make it an aesthetic for the time being instead of redirecting.

Also, is it possible to expand the borders of the posts in threads (much like this one) instead of being center-aligned?

Thank you for your hard work :)
I'm liking it but maybe fix the xenporta coloring as the title text appears to be hard to read. Also maybe make it easier to edit the Ads instead of editing the PAGE_CONTAINER template manually.
how can you get rid of the drop down menus. or modify them with a downward arrow for the drop down to the side. They don't respond if you click too fast. Also we changed the width to fluid but the menu still floats in the center. How can i fix that? great theme by the way. Want to get the non branding version as soon as we get it set up right.

How do you edit this? :) I can't find it anywhere on the templates.
@Dino you edit the PAGE_CONTAINER template, specifically:

<div id="ads"><a href="#">
                <img src="@imagePath/xenforo/ad.png" alt="XenForo">

For my purposes I just removed it.
******* updated ******* - Hydrogen with a new update entry:

Version 1.3.1

- Fixed some display bugs on sidebar.
- Fixed bug on display search form on responsive.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Compatible with XenForo 1.3.1.

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Is this the HTML that you are implying when someone sends there email address for the news letter?
HTML <button> formaction Attribute
******* updated ******* - Hydrogen with a new update entry:

14/05/2014: Version 1.3.2

- Compatible with XenForo 1.3.2.
- Minor bug fixes.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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