HTML Newsletter Generator - Keep Members Coming Back [Paid] [Deleted]

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@BamaStangGuy Okay, thank you mate, have tried that - works fine, I am referring to a more general readme? it's mentioned in the notes for the listing/sales, but doesn't exist in the zip?

@Crazyfruitbat I think besides visiting your generated output as mentioned, the rest we will have to figure out.
Seems quite straightforward, but still.. I think it's trial and error sadly. (y) :)
I will add the readme back in the next update.

The add-on is pretty straight forward. The two areas you need to view are the Options area and the output page.
Yeah no worries, it seems quite straightforward after playing with it for a day or two if I'm honest. :)
Just may help users who instantly go - oops where's the readme :D
I will add the readme back in the next update.

The add-on is pretty straight forward. The two areas you need to view are the Options area and the output page.
Yeah I didn't know what the output URL was.

If so I get the following error
Server Error

Invalid model 'NFLJ_Showcase_Model_Item' specified

XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/XFNewsletter.php at line 157
BamaStangGuy_XFNewsletter_ControllerPublic_XFNewsletter->_getShowcaseModel() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/Modules/Showcase.php at line 40
include() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/XFNewsletter.php at line 128
BamaStangGuy_XFNewsletter_ControllerPublic_XFNewsletter->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /srv/www/ at line 13
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I bought this addon a while ago and never used it! I was wondering exactly how you send a news letter through Xenforo?? I was thinking there was a section to send it or a way to offer people a way to subscribe to it but I cannot see anything other then the options in my admin section...
Yeah I didn't know what the output URL was.

If so I get the following error
Server Error

Invalid model 'NFLJ_Showcase_Model_Item' specified

XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/XFNewsletter.php at line 157
BamaStangGuy_XFNewsletter_ControllerPublic_XFNewsletter->_getShowcaseModel() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/Modules/Showcase.php at line 40
include() in BamaStangGuy/XFNewsletter/ControllerPublic/XFNewsletter.php at line 128
BamaStangGuy_XFNewsletter_ControllerPublic_XFNewsletter->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /srv/www/ at line 13

I will see if I can reproduce this.
@BamaStangGuy Okay, thank you mate, have tried that - works fine, I am referring to a more general readme? it's mentioned in the notes for the listing/sales, but doesn't exist in the zip?

@Crazyfruitbat I think besides visiting your generated output as mentioned, the rest we will have to figure out.
Seems quite straightforward, but still.. I think it's trial and error sadly. (y) :)

There is a basic read me in the new update.
Ok I have a few requests, for social media could you please add YouTube and Steam?

Could you add a Forums Statistics:

User Record:2,074
Latest: 5 members

I am still lost about what to do with this? Is there a way people can subscribe to this through xenForo?? If not can you add this feature? I would assume it would be a button somewhere to subscribe to the News Letter but I don't see anything...

Hi @BamaStangGuy On your next update how about adding a "New Members This Week" section It would be great if it could pull the avatars of new members and arrange them in a grid (like the gallery item) hotlinked to their profiles, a grid of 2,4.8,16, 32 or more would certainly be a welcome addition for me. Thanks in anticipation (y)
Hi @BamaStangGuy I'm Trying to upgrade to the latest version and still getting this error when running the uploaded xml file.

Callback BamaStangGuy_XFNewsletter_Listener::init is invalid (Invalid Method).
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I am still lost about what to do with this? Is there a way people can subscribe to this through xenForo?? If not can you add this feature? I would assume it would be a button somewhere to subscribe to the News Letter but I don't see anything...


We have an addon that adds new members to Sendy. We copy the generated newsletter code to Sendy and then send the email. Simple and works a treat (y)
I know a lot of requested this and it is something that I am working on... though no timeline. A future update will have the ability to schedule automatic newsletters based on certain criteria with Sendy.
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