How to use <xen:calc ''> = an integer


I'm editing my template and i use <xen:calc '5/2'>
Value => 2.5 (float number)
Now i want an integer. It mean 5/2 = 2.

Can you help me ?
{xen:calc "round(5 / 2)"}
Output: 3
{xen:calc "floor(5 / 2)"}
Output: 2
{xen:calc "ceil(5 / 2)"}
Output: 3

Other functions compatible with the calc helper: abs, max, min, pow.

Check php manual to see what is the effect of these functions. You can also check inside XenForo templates. There are some.
Is there some documentation for the different xen:calc functions like 'floor', 'round'. 'ceiling' ? Could someone point me to it... having a hard time finding anything even with some good searches...
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