XF 2.1 How to transfer users using one template to another template before deleting the old template?


Active member
I kind of mess up on the "dark mode" template so I am recreating a new dark mode template however there is already users using the existing dark mode template.

How do I transfer all the dark mode users from the old one to the new one after I completed creating it?

Thank you
Just recreate the dark style as a brand new style. Once you're done, export and import it, overwriting the existing dark. It'll update the style and keep any user who has it selected still.
Maybe just reset the old one, or perform an export and import.
I was just thinking about the export and import method but I need to move the existing dark template to be as a child of an another template .. can I do this via export then import back as a child of the light template?
What happen if I change the template the user have selected as their template from one parent to a different parent?

Will they still be on the same template under a different parent style?
I was just thinking about the export and import method but I need to move the existing dark template to be as a child of an another template .. can I do this via export then import back as a child of the light template?
Styles, templates is something different. ;)
You simple can change the parent of a style. For the users the StyleID is saved, no matter what the parent is.
What happen if I change the template the user have selected as their template from one parent to a different parent?

Will they still be on the same template under a different parent style?
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