How to replace XenForo core methods with addons?


Well-known member
This maybe a silly question, but I really need to know if there is a possible way to do this.

for an instance lets say if I need to add a new inline mod option to $postModOptions in library/XenForo/Model/Post.php line: 959

* Adds the canInlineMod value to the provided post and returns the
* specific list of inline mod actions that are allowed on this post.
* @param array $post Post info
* @param array $thread Thread the post is in
* @param array $forum Forum the thread/post is in
* @param array|null $nodePermissions
* @param array|null $viewingUser
* @return array List of allowed inline mod actions, format: [action] => true

public function addInlineModOptionToPost(array &$post, array $thread, array $forum, array $nodePermissions = null, array $viewingUser = null)
   $this->standardizeViewingUserReferenceForNode($thread['node_id'], $viewingUser, $nodePermissions);

   $postModOptions = array();
   $canInlineMod = ($viewingUser['user_id'] && (
      XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($nodePermissions, 'deleteAnyPost')
      || XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($nodePermissions, 'undelete')
      || XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($nodePermissions, 'approveUnapprove')
      || XenForo_Permission::hasContentPermission($nodePermissions, 'manageAnyThread')

   if ($canInlineMod)
      if ($this->canDeletePost($post, $thread, $forum, 'soft', $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['delete'] = true;
      if ($this->canUndeletePost($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['undelete'] = true;
      if ($this->canApproveUnapprovePost($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['approve'] = true;
         $postModOptions['unapprove'] = true;
      if ($this->canMovePost($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['move'] = true;
      if ($this->canCopyPost($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['copy'] = true;
      if ($this->canMergePost($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['merge'] = true;

   $post['canInlineMod'] = (count($postModOptions) > 0);

   return $postModOptions;

what if I wanna add something like
      if ($this->canDeleteRating($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $postModOptions['delete_rating'] = true;

to the method?

Should I create the whole method with the same name? does it replace the XenForo core codes?
Extend the library/XenForo/Model/Post.php class and use something like this to extend the function...
public function addInlineModOptionToPost(array &$post, array $thread, array $forum, array $nodePermissions = null, array $viewingUser = null)
      $parentResponse = parent::addInlineModOptionToPost($post, $thread, $forum, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser)
      $parentResponse['delete_rating'] = false;

      if ($this->canDeleteRating($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $parentResponse['delete_rating'] = true;

      return $parentResponse;
Extend the library/XenForo/Model/Post.php class and use something like this to extend the function...
public function addInlineModOptionToPost(array &$post, array $thread, array $forum, array $nodePermissions = null, array $viewingUser = null)
      $parentResponse = parent::addInlineModOptionToPost($post, $thread, $forum, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser)
      $parentResponse['delete_rating'] = false;

      if ($this->canDeleteRating($post, $thread, $forum, $null, $nodePermissions, $viewingUser))
         $parentResponse['delete_rating'] = true;

      return $parentResponse;
will it work with other xenforo core codes like: library/XenForo/Search/DataHandler/Post.php :201

public function addInlineModOption(array &$result)
   return $this->_getPostModel()->addInlineModOptionToPost($result, $result, $result, $result['permissions']);
If you extend the library/XenForo/Model/Post.php class, it will work anywhere the _getPostModel()->addInlineModOptionToPost is called.
If you extend the library/XenForo/Model/Post.php class, it will work anywhere the _getPostModel()->addInlineModOptionToPost is called.

I have one other quick question, can I use the same trick to replace a method that has written on another 3rd party add-on?
If that is the case I must extend the 3rd party add-on's class as opposed to the parent class which extends by the 3rd party add-on?

Thanks for the reply, this is gonna help a lot. I just saw many developers have done it in this way. can't believe I didn't notice :oops:
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I've never tried it, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. Extending a class is extending a class.

But, if the add-on's method your extending is already extending the XenForo class you would still just do the XenForo class not the add-on's class.

And, unless there is some pressing reason to do so you don't want to 'replace' the XenForo class you want to 'extend' the class. Replacing it could very well break all other add-ons installed on a system.
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