How to remove email addresses from admin area...?


Active member
I run a few forums with moderators and administrators I've never personally met. I'd like to find a way of removing the email addresses of members from the admin area, so that nobody but myself has access to them. I feel one day it could be used to clone and / or spam. I guess the data is valuable to somebody and I'd want to protect that.

Is there a way to still allow administrators to upgrade users manually from the admin panel, but not show them the full details of the user?

Perhaps I could just physically remove the email address box from a PHP file or something? Would that mean that when you upgrade a user and save the page, that the forum would remove the email address from the database and show the user as never having one? Or would that work?
The primary issue is the batch email function, as that can generate a list of all emails. I have made that menu item unavailable to other admins, as well as using a temporary redirect for the page. So even if they know the URL, they will be redirected to member search. If I want to use it I just temporarily disable the redirect.

Not ideal, but its a workaround.

This add-on may do the trick, haven't yet checked:

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