XF 2.0 How to override existing repository and entity entry


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I have added a new group for custom user field with below code
public function installStep1()
        $this->schemaManager()->alterTable('xf_user_field', function(Alter $table)
            $table->changeColumn('display_group', 'enum')->values(['personal','contact','preferences','new_custom_field_group']);

But I am not sure how to override corresponding entries in Entity and Repository. From the XF2 doc, I learned how to add a new entity, but not sure how to change an existing one.

Can anyone please help?

1) In XF\Repository\UserField (required to show the new group in Admin Custom User Field)

public function getDisplayGroups()
        return [
            'personal' => \XF::phrase('personal_details'),
            'contact' => \XF::phrase('contact_details'),
            'preferences' => \XF::phrase('preferences'),
            'new_custom_field_group' => \XF::phrase('new_custom_field_group_phrase')

2) In XF\Entity\UserField (I am not sure if it is necessary)

public static function getStructure(Structure $structure)
                'groups' => ['personal', 'contact', 'preferences', 'new_custom_field_group'],
                'has_user_editable' => true,
                'has_user_editable_once' => true,
                'has_moderator_editable' => true


        return $structure;
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Just to add, I have edited those two PHP files manually and everything is working fine. But I guess editing PHP file manually cannot be the way to do it.
To extend any class within XF you would use "Class extensions".

They are talked about here:

Thanks, I missed the last paragraph where it talks about overriding the existing methods, I always extended classes to add new methods.

So it should be like this

namespace AbdFahim\XF\Repository;

class UserField extends XFCP_UserField
    public function getDisplayGroups()
        return [
        'personal' => \XF::phrase('personal_details'),
        'contact' => \XF::phrase('contact_details'),
        'preferences' => \XF::phrase('preferences'),
        'new_custom_field_group' => \XF::phrase('new_custom_field_group_phrase')

And, I guess even though there are multiple UserField.php files (e.g. XF\Repository, XF\Entity), the system will know via the class extension entry in ACP that which class I am targetting to, right?
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Oh, I guess the system knows it via class extension, where I write the target class name, even if I don't add that use XF\Repository\UserField declaration.
Correct. We write a hint file that references the XFCP class name in that namespace to the class you’re extending.
Thanks a lot @Chris.

One more thing, for overriding static method getStructure() in XF\Entity\UserField, do I follow the same or something extra is required?
You can actually create a code event listener to modify an entity structure, and generally this is the preferred approach.

Look for the "entity_structure" event under Admin > Development > Code event listeners > Add
@abdfahim Can you share how you got the entity_structure event to work? I'm running into basically the same issue and that's the one thing I haven't worked out yet.
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