With the original XenStaff, modifications to the code would have been required. With the new one, it can be done with one click of an option. I've had more than a few PC's here asking about changing XenStaff or about updating it (actually, I'm surprised it is still that much in use), enough so, that I just finished writing a replacement for it.
-Supports multiple tabs. Each tab can be placed in the navigation bar (home, middle, end locations, and ordered by display order), or each can be set to be a child of the members tab (sub-menu item)
-the Staff list on the notable members page can be set to be removed. Doing this will un-link the Staff Online Now heading in the sidebar, or there is another option to use one of your created tabs to generate the staff online now list (if the staff list is removed from the notable members page).
-if there is more than one user group used for the Tab when you have it set to be under the Members Tab, a layout like the notable members is used, but each pane contains the user group name, and loads those members in.
-Pagination is added.
- Some other stuff added too.
Because XF 1.4 introduced the permission to view the members tab, and this new add-on checks for it, 1.4 will be required to use a tab as a members tab link.