how to motivate community members

In the 80's, an ailing BBS came to me asking how to grow members, and I told them that hostility always motivates people - with negative consequences. They didn't care, so I told them to create new topics about religion and pro-life, which subsequently grew participation expotentially. It did eventually kill their board.

Today, we do it with contentious topics that are more in-line with the community interest. For example, replacing your motorcycle's rear tire with a car tire. For a big-heavy bike, some riders like the experience and longer tire life, but hardcore traditionalists like me think it is a sin ;)

There are some similar topics in the private forum for non-motorcycle common interests; like who has the most radical gardern, the most heart-stopping steak/hot-sauce combo, or the coolest pic of their dogs. I think the steak thread has shortened lives :cool:
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