How to make a DIV/table like this?


Active member
Hi, I want to put something similar like this at my ad_above_footer template.

Can anyone tell me what would be the code by looking this mock-up?

I come up with this one so far, pretty much okay for now. Only if I can show bullets on my lists.

    <div class="primaryContent">
        <table class="dataTable">
            <tr  class="dataRow">
                <td><h3 class="subHeading">Blah 1</h3>
                <td><h3 class="subHeading">Blah 2</h3>
                <td><h3 class="subHeading">Blah 3</h3>
                <td><h3 class="subHeading">Blah 4</h3>

I don't think the table is needed. If you apply a unique class to your ul's and add this rule to extra.css
ul.uniqueClass {
list-style-type: disc;
You will get the bullets.
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