XF 1.4 How to insert a Tooltip in this piece of template?


Well-known member
I want to insert a Tooltip here:
<xen:set var="$moodImageUrl">{xen:if "{$user.mood_id}", {$moods.{$user.mood_id}.image_url}, {$moods.{$defaultMoodId}.image_url}}</xen:set>
I need to insert something like:
class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase my_own_phrase}"
How is the trick? thanks!
You can't. The first thing is just a URL that is used somewhere. You would likely need to find where the {$moodImageUrl} variable is used and modify the element where that is used to add the Tooltip class and title attribute.
Hello Chris!
is the addon called XenMoods
The normal behaviour is that you can choose your own mood hovering the image. You will see a tooltip called "mood chooser" but hovering others it will not show anything.
So, I would like to put there a tooltip called "Mood"
This is the template:
<xen:if is="{$canViewMoods}">
    <xen:require css="mood_display.css" />

    <xen:set var="$moodImageUrl">{xen:if "{$user.mood_id}", {$moods.{$user.mood_id}.image_url}, {$moods.{$defaultMoodId}.image_url}} </xen:set>

    <div class="userMood">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} == {$user.user_id} && {$canHaveMood}">
            <a href="{xen:link moods/mood-chooser, '', 'redirect={$requestPaths.requestUri}'}" class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase mood_chooser}" data-cacheOverlay="false" data-offsetY="-8">
                <img src="{$moodImageUrl}" alt="{$moods.{$user.mood_id}.title}" />
        <xen:else />
            <img src="{$moodImageUrl}" alt="{$moods.{$user.mood_id}.title}" />
Any idea? I'm lost.:coffee: Thank you!
Just add the Tooltip class and a title that you want on the element that you want the tooltip to appear on. It's just as simple as that, really.
upss, you're right. is working! (y)
This is the template now:
<xen:if is="{$canViewMoods}">
    <xen:require css="mood_display.css" />

    <xen:set var="$moodImageUrl">{xen:if "{$user.mood_id}", {$moods.{$user.mood_id}.image_url}, {$moods.{$defaultMoodId}.image_url}}</xen:set>

    <div class="userMood Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase mood_chooser}">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} == {$user.user_id} && {$canHaveMood}">
            <a href="{xen:link moods/mood-chooser, '', 'redirect={$requestPaths.requestUri}'}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="false" data-offsetY="-8">
                <img src="{$moodImageUrl}" alt="{$moods.{$user.mood_id}.title}" />
        <xen:else />
            <img src="{$moodImageUrl}" alt="{$moods.{$user.mood_id}.title}" />
And this is the result: ;)
Thank you Chris!
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