XF 2.2 How to increase the spacing between words in text?


Active member
My question is not about website design.
It's about increasing the spacing between two words in text.

I solved the issue by installing an extension and using code.
word1[PARSEHTML]<span style="padding: 0px 20px;">&nbsp;</span>word2[/PARSEHTML]

However, only an admin can do this.
How can a regular user do it?
You didn't understand.
I don't want to increase the distance between all the words.
I want to be able to sometimes insert 10 spaces and have them not turn into 1 space.

If it were me, I'd create a custom bbcode just for that then. I'd do something like SPACE=10px then replace with an element that was 10px wide or, as @MySiteGuy said, make a bbcode that inserts &nbsp;.
Allowing all members access to a bbcode like this is a terrible idea, for security reasons.

Also, I don't think there is a way for members to increase spacing between words. If you want to do that, I'd recommend using this in your extra.less on any elements that you want to increase the spacing on.

.class { word-spacing: 30px; }
Allowing all members access to a bbcode like this is a terrible idea, for security reasons.

Also, I don't think there is a way for members to increase spacing between words. If you want to do that, I'd recommend using this in your extra.less on any elements that you want to increase the spacing on.

.class { word-spacing: 30px; }

You didn't understand.
I don't want to increase the distance between all the words.
I want to be able to sometimes insert 10 spaces and have them not turn into 1 space.
You didn't understand.
I don't want to increase the distance between all the words.
I want to be able to sometimes insert 10 spaces and have them not turn into 1 space.

If it were me, I'd create a custom bbcode just for that then. I'd do something like SPACE=10px then replace with an element that was 10px wide or, as @MySiteGuy said, make a bbcode that inserts &nbsp;.
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