XF 1.4 How to hide certain "Help"-Pages from guests and robots ?


Well-known member
I would like to hide certain "Help"-Pages from guests and robots.

I would like to hide the following pages:


Only registered members should be allowed to view these 3 pages.

Is there a way to do this ?

Appreciate your help.

Many thanks!

There are no permission checks over individual help pages. It would require an add-on/custom development.

Since I am not showing the Forum-Nodes and the Thread-content to guests (I have set my forum as being private), the interesting thing I noticed, is when I search for my website at certain search-engines.... they display the "Help Pages" (e.g.: Terms & Rules Page) as the top search-result.

Now when a user clicks onto this search-result at the Search-Engine, he will be shown the "Terms & Rules Page" of my website instead of being shown the Homepage.

While this is a great indicator that the "XF Pages" are ranking very high in Search-Engine-listings (great SEO), the bad thing is that the first thing which the visitors to my Forum will see is the "Terms & Rules Page".
Seeing a "Terms & Conditions Page" which in my case is using a lot of Legal-Terms is certainly not a great invitation for "guests" (who are coming from Search-Engines) to join my Forum.
They will be rather scared and turn away.

Therefore, it would be great to be able to hide certain "Help Pages" from guests and robots.

many thanks for this hint!

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