how to delete "Recent Activity"-entries of Admin ?


Well-known member
I have made a couple changes to my Admin-Profile (change of location, etc.), which are in fact also shown within the Profile-tab named "Recent Activity".

- How to delete my own data from the Tab "Recent Activity" ?
- How to hide my own Tab "Recent Activity" ?

Many thanks,
To give a recent activity permission error when someone tries to view your recent activity by accessing through the URL, open:

member_recent_activity template and find:

<xen:if is="{$restricted}">

and replace with (change the 1 to what ever your user id is):

<xen:if is="{$restricted} OR {$user.user_id} == '1'">

Now to remove the tab:

Open member_view template

<xen:if is="{$showRecentActivity}"><li><a href="{$requestPaths.requestUri}#recentActivity">{xen:phrase recent_activity}</a></li></xen:if>
And replace with:
<xen:if is="{$user.user_id} != '1'">
                <xen:if is="{$showRecentActivity}"><li><a href="{$requestPaths.requestUri}#recentActivity">{xen:phrase recent_activity}</a></li></xen:if>
thanks Lawrence, but that is just too complicated for me.

I just want to delete a few of my own (Admin) recent activities.
I have changed my location several times and I do not want my users to see that I have changed that several times.

There should be something build in, in order to give the Admin the option to at least delete his own "Recent Activites". This would be helpful, especially when starting a Forum from scratch, to keep things clean at the website.
thanks Lawrence, but that is just too complicated for me.

I just want to delete a few of my own (Admin) recent activities.
I have changed my location several times and I do not want my users to see that I have changed that several times.

There should be something build in, in order to give the Admin the option to at least delete his own "Recent Activites". This would be helpful, especially when starting a Forum from scratch, to keep things clean at the website.

Is there an easier way to delete Admin recent activity?
direct in the database;)

table : xf_news_feed

I'll see if i find some time next week to release my add-on for this.^^
Just needs some style tweeks and permission checkings
Is there an easier way to delete Admin recent activity?
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