XF 1.4 How to create custom BB code to make a link as nofollow


Active member

Normally, we will use this code to make a text link in post content

[ URL='Your_full_URL']text link[ /URL]

But I want to create a custom BB code like my vB using

for example:
[URLnf='http_link']text link[/URLnf][/URL]

when view source of webpage then it will automatic add rel="nofollow" to text link

Are there any way to create a custom BB code like this?

Thanks in advance
You might be interested in the Nofollow manager:
Hi AndyB,

I don't want to use whitelist to do that, It will be done by manually by me, for example I have 10 links in a post content

I want 5 links as nofollow and 5 links are dofollow then it can do that with BB code

I have done with vB forum http://www.webmastersun.com but I'm new to Xenforo thus I am searching ways for this.

FYI links posted by all members except staff are already nofollow.

No, it is for links that I want it is dofollow or nofollow, just add URL (for dofollow) and URLnf ( links will be nofollow)
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