How To Create A Phrase Pack?


Well-known member
Hi. How do I create a phrase pack? I'm not changing the language, I just need to change a couple phrases.

I want to attach the phrases to an addon I already made previously since someone complained about it not being 'phrased'.

Also if I created an addon that is only phrase changes would it be the same method?
When you create a phrase in the Master Language, you can choose the add-on they apply to. They then get exported with the add-on when you export its XML.
Oh okay thanks! Instead of creating a new phrase, can't I take an existing phrase from the addon: Xenforo and assign it to my own?

If I do this, will that phrase stay what I changed it to even after I upgrading xenforo or does xenforo overwrite or add the phrase again which then overrides your own?
Hmm, not sure that's a good idea as technically if your add-on is uninstalled it would remove the phrase completely rather than reverting it back to XenForo. That or you'd get a duplicate key error while trying to install the add-on, as technically the XML would be saying "create this phrase" and MySQL will say "I already have that. ERRROR".

You can just reference default XenForo phrases in your templates e.g. {xen:phrase post_reply} but if you're actually changing the wording it might be better to create your own new phrase and reference that, e.g. {xen:phrase post_message}

If this is how do you change existing XenForo phrases into something else, then actually I don't think you can.
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