XF 2.2 How to Change External Link Hover Color?


Well-known member
Via another thread here on Xenforo...to change only the color of an external link (within a thread post)...this is the code to be added to the extra.less template:

.link--external {color: #ff0000;}

This works great...but then realized when hovering over the link...link hover color is still the original color. What code needs to be added to the extra.less template to also change the hover color of external links (within a post)?

Very cool...thanks very very much "Old Nick"...that worked great!:)

I'm not a CSS expert...I was trying to add the word "Hover" to the code in various places...but without success (and I was missing the colon symbol). Lol

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Just realized when adding the code below to the extra.less template:

.link--external {color: #ff0000;}

It does change the color of external links within a post...but it also changes the color of external links in a members signature.

Is there a way to Only change the external link color within a post...without changing the link color of external links in a members signature?

Thanks again Old Nick. I did see that code mentioned in a couple other XF threads...but wasn't 100% sure it applied in my case.


Update: Tried both options...option #1 did the trick.

  • Option #1 changes the color of external links in a post only...(does not effect regular post text or signature external links text).
  • Option #2 changes all the text in a post to a different color (regular text, external links in the post, and member signature external links).

Thanks much!:)
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