XF 1.5 How to build the "sum" of item counts in a popup from different add-ons


Well-known member
In my style that I use, the different report counts from different add-ons need to be summarized in one "total" count in the popup menu in the moderator bar. I want to add up "Reports Count", "Tickets Count" and "ModEss Log Count" to one sum. How to I achieve this? What variables are used?

In addition, how do I achieve to have the "0" (zero) counts be in a different color/class (I guess with "if" conditional statements and the variable – but how?)

Before someone says "that's UI.X, ask Audentio/Themehouse"... I already did and they said: it is a XF core functionality.


You can use this to guide you I think.

navigation_visitor_tab template

<xen:set var="$visitorHiddenUnread" value="{xen:calc '{$visitor.alerts_unread} + {$visitor.conversations_unread}'}" />
        <a href="{xen:link account}" class="navLink accountPopup NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu"><strong class="accountUsername">{$visitor.username}</strong>
            <strong class="itemCount ResponsiveOnly {xen:if $visitorHiddenUnread, '', 'Zero'}"
                <span class="Total">{xen:number $visitorHiddenUnread}</span>
                <span class="arrow"></span>

Basically use the xen:set to set the variable of the sum of your items. Then you use that var in the menu link count.
I love when a plan comes together. Thanks again for the right tip @Steve F ! (y)
For everyone who has the same demands for correct user experience and who wants to improve their UI.X theme in conjunction with third party add-ons I want to write everything down here:

Themehouse UI.X "Moderation Bar" enhancement for item counts in responsive mode:

In template "moderator_bar" find the section below <xen:if is="@uix_adminMenuCollapse != '0'">

<li class="navTab admin Popup PopupControl PopupClosed">

            <a href="<xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin}">admin.php<xen:else />javascript: void(0);</xen:if>" class="navLink NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu" <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin}">target="_blank"</xen:if>>
                <i class="uix_icon uix_icon-admin"></i>
                <span class="itemLabel">{xen:if {$visitor.is_admin}, '{xen:phrase admin_control_panel_short}', '{xen:phrase uix_moderator_short}'}</span>
                <strong class="itemCount">
                    <span class="Total">0</span>
                    <span class="arrow"></span>
<xen:set var="$moderatorHiddenUnread" value="{xen:calc '{$session.userModerationCounts.total} + {$session.reportCounts.total} + {$session.ticketCounts.total} + {$session.modLogCounts.total}'}" />

        <li class="navTab admin Popup PopupControl PopupClosed">
            <a href="<xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin}">admin.php<xen:else />javascript: void(0);</xen:if>" class="navLink NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu" <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_admin}">target="_blank"</xen:if>>
                <i class="uix_icon uix_icon-admin"></i>
                <span class="itemLabel">{xen:if {$visitor.is_admin}, '{xen:phrase admin_control_panel_short}', '{xen:phrase uix_moderator_short}'}</span>
                <strong class="itemCount <xen:if is="{$moderatorHiddenUnread}">alert<xen:else /></xen:if>">
                    <span class="Total">{xen:number $moderatorHiddenUnread}</span>
                    <span class="arrow"></span>


"<xen:set var="$moderatorHiddenUnread" value="{xen:calc '{$session.userModerationCounts.total} + {$session.reportCounts.total} + {$session.ticketCounts.total} + {$session.modLogCounts.total}'}" />"
sets the variable "$moderatorHiddenUnread" which then must be placed in the <span> for the total, while the if-condition in the class "itemCount" either adds the class "alert" (for a red background) if variable is not "0" or adds nothing if "0".

Check which add-ons you have and delete those variables from the equation you don't have:
$session.userModerationCounts.total (Moderation Queue – XF Core)
$session.reportCounts.total (Reports Queue – XF Core)
$session.ticketCounts.total (@NixFifty Ticket add-on)
$session.modLogCounts.total (@Xon Moderator Essentials add-on)

To adjust the "Zero" item counts in the Admin/Moderator menu to the SAME CSS as they have in the non-responsive view, you need to...

...open template "uix_userBar.css" and FIND
#userBar .navTabs .navLink .itemCount

#userBar .navTabs .navLink .itemCount,
.uix_adminMenu .blockLinksList .itemCount

I hope this finds some use with some of you.

UI.X Beauty:
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