how to banned several users by email list from txt file ?


Active member
hi i have many users that have invalid email address
and i want to banned them

but its hard for me to search for email one by one

so i was thinking of making a query to get the user_id by searching for the email

select user_id from xf_user where email like ''
UPDATE `xf_user` SET  `user_group_id` =  '6',
`is_banned` =  '1' WHERE  `xf_user`.`user_id` =x; // where x the id i got from last query

but how i can make a php code to read the whole emails in the txt file i have then read them one by one
sorry =( i didnt work with files in php =(

and is my query is ok or there is another way to do that ?
Go to PHP docs and read about file_get_contents()

This should help you read the file into a var and then you can process it(explode the user list separated by a ',' or a space whatever)

I wouldn't suggest you to directly ban the user in SQL though, it would be better if you could call a User ban function from the Xenforo API cause I am not sure if there is something other than just updating the xf_users table that also needs to be done when banning people.
Go to PHP docs and read about file_get_contents()

This should help you read the file into a var and then you can process it(explode the user list separated by a ',' or a space whatever)
thanks ^_^ i will

I wouldn't suggest you to directly ban the user in SQL though, it would be better if you could call a User ban function from the Xenforo API cause I am not sure if there is something other than just updating the xf_users table that also needs to be done when banning people.
but how to do that exactly ?! i didnt use Xenforo API before >_<
thanks ^_^ i will

but how to do that exactly ?! i didnt use Xenforo API before >_<

You know how to make an addon right?

Use the Xenforo/models/banning.php class and use the method

It will also rebuild the cache.

Basically banning somebody requires to first ban their email and then rebuild the xenforo cache so that it works fast.

     * Bans the specified email. Wildcards are allowed. If no wildcards are given, they are automatically
     * added in logical places (no or leading @ gives wildcard prefix; no or trailing . gives wildcard suffix).
     * Throws exceptions on malformed input.
     * @param string $email
     * @return boolean Returns true if the ban is inserted
    public function banEmail($email)
        if ($email == '*' || $email === '')
            throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('you_must_enter_at_least_one_non_wildcard_character'), true);

        if (strpos($email, '*') === false)
            if (strpos($email, '@') === false)
                $email = '*' . $email;
            if (strpos($email, '.') === false)
                $email .= '*';

        if ($email[0] == '@')
            $email = '*' . $email;

        $lastChar = substr($email, -1);
        if ($lastChar == '.' || $lastChar == '@')
            $email .= '*';

        $atPos = strpos($email, '@');
        if ($atPos !== false && strpos($email, '.', $atPos) === false && strpos($email, '*', $atPos) === false)
            $email .= '*';

        if ($email == '*@*' || $email == '*.*')
            throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('this_would_ban_all_email_addresses'), true);

        $email = preg_replace('/\*{2,}/', '*', $email);

        $db = $this->_getDb();

        $result = $this->_getDb()->query('
            INSERT IGNORE INTO xf_ban_email
        ', array($email));

        $inserted = ($result->rowCount() ? true : false);
        if ($inserted)


        return $inserted;
     * Rebuilds the cache of banned emails.
     * @return array Banned email cache
    public function rebuildBannedEmailCache()
        $cache = array();
        foreach ($this->getBannedEmails() AS $bannedEmail)
            $cache[] = $bannedEmail['banned_email'];

        $this->_getDataRegistryModel()->set('bannedEmails', $cache);

        return $cache;
You know how to make an addon right?

Use the Xenforo/models/banning.php class and use the method

It will also rebuild the cache.

Basically banning somebody requires to first ban their email and then rebuild the xenforo cache so that it works fast.

     * Bans the specified email. Wildcards are allowed. If no wildcards are given, they are automatically
     * added in logical places (no or leading @ gives wildcard prefix; no or trailing . gives wildcard suffix).
     * Throws exceptions on malformed input.
     * @param string $email
     * @return boolean Returns true if the ban is inserted
    public function banEmail($email)
        if ($email == '*' || $email === '')
            throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('you_must_enter_at_least_one_non_wildcard_character'), true);

        if (strpos($email, '*') === false)
            if (strpos($email, '@') === false)
                $email = '*' . $email;
            if (strpos($email, '.') === false)
                $email .= '*';

        if ($email[0] == '@')
            $email = '*' . $email;

        $lastChar = substr($email, -1);
        if ($lastChar == '.' || $lastChar == '@')
            $email .= '*';

        $atPos = strpos($email, '@');
        if ($atPos !== false && strpos($email, '.', $atPos) === false && strpos($email, '*', $atPos) === false)
            $email .= '*';

        if ($email == '*@*' || $email == '*.*')
            throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phrase('this_would_ban_all_email_addresses'), true);

        $email = preg_replace('/\*{2,}/', '*', $email);

        $db = $this->_getDb();

        $result = $this->_getDb()->query('
            INSERT IGNORE INTO xf_ban_email
        ', array($email));

        $inserted = ($result->rowCount() ? true : false);
        if ($inserted)


        return $inserted;
     * Rebuilds the cache of banned emails.
     * @return array Banned email cache
    public function rebuildBannedEmailCache()
        $cache = array();
        foreach ($this->getBannedEmails() AS $bannedEmail)
            $cache[] = $bannedEmail['banned_email'];

        $this->_getDataRegistryModel()->set('bannedEmails', $cache);

        return $cache;

well this something interesting
i didnt know that Xenforo API mean the classes and files of XF it self

anyway i found an addon

if its help then ok if not i will try to implement ur code

and iam happy cuz of ur reply can`t find many programmers help that much in this way *-* thanks

God Bless u
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