You extend the controller to add your action. And in 1.1, use template hooks to extend and add in your links, in 1.2, use the new template modifications to include your links.
You extend the controller to add your action. And in 1.1, use template hooks to extend and add in your links, in 1.2, use the new template modifications to include your links.
Extend XenForo/ControllerPublic/Account (******** my underscore not working), add your new actionMyNewPage() and then do what you wish to do in that action.
Extend XenForo/ControllerPublic/Account (******** my underscore not working), add your new actionMyNewPage() and then do what you wish to do in that action.
Yes, but like I said I have a standalone controller with all the code and bits and pieces already defined, and I also have extra actions such as /<node>/<data>/edit and /<node>/save etc. so how would I make this work for that?
Ideally, I want to have it as /account/<current node> but how would I define my extra actions on top of /<node> etc?
Right, but if I try and do /account/macros/1/edit (the one is data passed in), or /account/macros/save then it say's can't find action 'macros1edit' or so on - that isn't the action...
(And I thought you were being serious, I only got your original reply in the email )
i would just use a own route prefix because it's the fastest way
adding something to the account route would require using a proxy class to extend the account route and and and....
trust me, it's not worth to do this! just use a own routeprefix
maybe it's possible in 1.2 with the new changes, but i have no idea