XF 2.2 How to add a New Tab to my What's New Menu


Well-known member
I want to add a new Tab to my What's New Menu
I think I do this by setting up a new Navigation item in ACP Set Up Public Navigation
I want the new tab to take my members to a fourm node
Do I enter this as the link
Eg Link {{ link ('the-main-issues-3') }}

Where "the main issues-3" is the name of my category node
I did it last night and its all OK.

But the Menu option to the Categories list appears in the top "Whats new Menu"
Which is great for desktop users.

But how can I get the link to the Categories List to appear when members click the Lightening Bolt (top right of screen) on mobile which takes them to annother Whats New Menu which also shows above the Forum list on desktop
Here is a screen dump

I'd like the new Categories option to appear in the yellow highlighted area.
How do I get access to this area?


  • NZIssues whats new sub menu.webp
    NZIssues whats new sub menu.webp
    26.9 KB · Views: 14
Template edit for one of the Whats New templates perhaps?

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 10.25.17 PM.png

Most likely the whats_new_wrapper where this code is?
<xf:macro name="links" arg-pageSelected="!" arg-baseClass="!" arg-selectedClass="!">
    <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'overview' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new') }}">{{ phrase('whats_new') }}</a>
    <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'new_thread' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/posts') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('new_posts') }}</a>
    <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.canViewProfilePosts()">
        <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'new_profile_post' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/profile-posts') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('new_profile_posts') }}</a>
    <xf:if is="$xf.options.enableNewsFeed">
        <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
            <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'news_feed' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/news-feed') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('your_news_feed') }}</a>

        <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'latest_activity' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/latest-activity') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('latest_activity') }}</a>
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