XF 1.4 How to add a border for my categories?

Super it works but not so esthetic :(

Is it possible to have rounded corners?

Can you give me something which is styled for my categories please?

Thanks anyway for the first post :)
In fact, I'm using the theme Flexile and I have rounded corners on my categories.

Please find my website: bet-clever.com

In fact, I don't want to copy the idea of this website: xenfrench.com but just make something which is similar but not copy cause each person has his style you know :)

Do you have any idea what can I add on my style sheet to get something similar ?

Change the font will be a good thing cause the white is overall :)

Just a question, can we change the color white for the background category?
You can change the background colour to white by changing the color code of #f1f1ec to #ffffff

Personally I think it looks good as is, what I would suggest is un-checking this box in Style Properties: ├ [UI.X] Forum Nodes to see how it looks.

Can we do the same for my shoutbox which is under the categories just before the footer?
Can't see you shoutbox, however you could try this in EXTRA.css
.forum_list .section.sectionMain.nodeList.taigachat_alt.taigachat_reverse {
border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
background-color: #f1f1ec;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
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