How old are you?

46. Our best technology toys were the lightbrite, etch-a-sketch, and Atari Pong. This is back when slinky's were made of metal, a "78" was a record, all phones were dial-pulse, payphones were everywhere, most people had only three channels on their TV, and you could find a cigarette machine outside your local dentist office.
Holy cow, you're from my era, lol.

I had a lite brite and etch-a-sketch, a metal slinky, 78's and a turntable, payphones cost a nickle (we cried inflation when they went up to a dime!) TV sucked unless the Honeymooners or I Love Lucy was on, cig machines were everywhere, and we played with Barbie's and GI Joe's til we were 11 and 12 yrs old. No kiddie beauty pageants, and 12 yr olds wearing makeup, high heels, mini skirts, and carrying cellphones (no such thing), in my day.
There was no such thing as a computer or cell phone. If you wanted to talk to your friends, you had to ride your bike to their house and knock on their door. And look out if you had gotten into any trouble together and he was the first to get caught. if you were still young enough, his parents could spank you and all yours would do is ground you as well. Now the police would arrest them.

Talking meant face to face. You didn't have 1000's of facebook friends, you had a dozen good friends that you could count on. Bullying wasn't on line, it was in your face, which is where we circle back to those dozen good friends.

You didn't play video games, we actually played sports, outdoors no less. There were no 12 year olds wearing high heels and miniskirts, but I do recall a number of 17 year old girls that looked good in them!

Oh yeah, and the legal drinking age was 18 - until the year I turned 18, then it was raised to 19.
There is a post floating out there, had to go find it after you posted that. Called My Generation Vs Your Generation:
A very self-important university freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
"You grew up in a different world. Actually, an almost primitive one," the student said loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. "The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon and our spaceships have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, computers with light speed processing and, ," pausing to take another drink of beer.
The senior took advantage of the break in the student's litany and said, "You're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young. We invented them! Now, tell me, what are you doing for the next generation"?

The applause was resounding.
The year I turned 18, the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution passed allowing me to vote. Had it passed a year later, I would not been allowed to vote in the 1972 Presidential Election. I would have had to wait til 1976.

This was during the time when the right to vote was over 21 but the right to die for your country was 18.
Thank you :)
Peggy bakes wonderful cakes everyone.

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