How old are you?

And apparently I am also a "cougar",
Scary... My lightes are off,hiding in my totally dark room...
42 on February 11th.

Damn. 42.

Let us know if you find the answer to life, the universe, and eveything?

I'm 25, with 10 years of experience. Old enough to have grown up with 8-track cassettes, (black and white) tv without remote control (kids, we used to have to WALK to the TV if we wanted to switch the channel, and we were limited to less than 10 of those), and "surfing" BBS's using modems.
46. Our best technology toys were the lightbrite, etch-a-sketch, and Atari Pong. This is back when slinky's were made of metal, a "78" was a record, all phones were dial-pulse, payphones were everywhere, most people had only three channels on their TV, and you could find a cigarette machine outside your local dentist office.
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