How far is the public release of XF Resource Manager?

Sadik B

Well-known member

Firstly apologies for the thread to Kier and Mike. Obviously XF 1.1 is the focus right now and probably importers after that. I understand that the Resource Manager isn't coming "soon". However, here's my situation.

I have a heavily modified VB site whose 25% traffic and revenue source comes from the Downloads section. I am on VB 4.1.1 and see no reason to upgrade to any of the latest VB maintenance releases. However I have many custom features planned for the site, which would require a lot of custom coding. Now I have three choices,

1. Select the latest VB release and start building my custom features on them.

2. Code a Downloads Modification myself for XF / hire someone to do it.

3. Wait for XF to code and release the awesome resource manager.

Now the amount of effort I am looking ahead is of at least a couple of months work for the custom work required for the features planned. I really am not keen to invest so much of time and effort into VB at this moment, given their current trajectory. Hence, it would be a REAL BIG help if I was to have some rough indication of when Kier's awesome resource manager is coming. (By the way I would be totally fine paying for it). Can we expect a beta by new year? or will it be as far as say beginning of summer next year? or maybe (and this is my optimistic self) sometime before christmas!

If I was to know that the resource manager won't be around before say march-april next year, I can consider investing the time or money to get a downloads section coded. However it would be such a terrible waste of everything if I was to get my custom coded downloads section done only to see a RM beta by christmas...

Again, I appreciate the impossibilities of software development prediction and the team size of two. I am just requesting if we can get some form of indication of approximate time frame for the Resource Manager, it might help IMMENSELY in my decision making process.

How does a better organized listing of addons help you? The screenshot I've seen is just a better way to find addons.

And I hope its well after the big site search.
I can think of at least 5 reasons. Don't worry about the reason why. It's a simple question.

I think the answer is simple: When we have the time, resources, and at least 1.1 is out the door.
They're time is being ruined by the pending law suits, unfortunately.
The release of the Resource Manager is something I am waiting for in anticipation as well, and I believe many others are too. Though I do realize the silly situation with these lawsuits as well as the current focus on a stable 1.1 AND the fact that there are just 2 developers. Nevertheless, hoping to hear something good. :)
How does a better organized listing of addons help you? The screenshot I've seen is just a better way to find addons.

And I hope its well after the big site search.

Kier said he plans to release the Resource Manager as an addon. That I could use and customize to work as a Documents downloads section on my site. Yes, I would still need to customize it a lot, like integrate it with Scribd API as I have it now, but it's way way better than starting from scratch coding a downloads Mod.
As far as I have understood, the Resource Manager is coming but for this site only for the time-being, and will be looked at as an add-on to be sold to customers at a later time, not necessarily something that is being made to release here for public internal beta testing and then released publicly shortly after.

So while it is coming soon, it's coming soon for, not for the general public yet.
As far as I have understood, the Resource Manager is coming but for this site only for the time-being, and will be looked at as an add-on to be sold to customers at a later time, not necessarily something that is being made to release here for public internal beta testing and then released publicly shortly after.

So while it is coming soon, it's coming soon for, not for the general public yet.

Hmmm... yes. I was hoping that it would be released "soon" to customers after deploying on XF. However from the way this thread has gone, I have more or less assumed that it is not coming until quite a long time, possibly not in this year at all.
As far as I have understood, the Resource Manager is coming but for this site only for the time-being, and will be looked at as an add-on to be sold to customers at a later time, not necessarily something that is being made to release here for public internal beta testing and then released publicly shortly after.

So while it is coming soon, it's coming soon for, not for the general public yet.
And, who told you that?
"as it matures, we will .." <=== Good enough for me.
I will put some money aside for this.
I have been looking at the teaser image that Kier posted and I think that could be modified to become a full-pledged review system.
People can rate a review, submit a review, upload images, comment on reviews, etc.

I have been thinking about making a review system in Wordpress but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me that the Resource Manager is flexible enough for this.

Anyone see anything that RM can't be used as a review system?
I have been looking at the teaser image that Kier posted and I think that could be modified to become a full-pledged review system.
People can rate a review, submit a review, upload images, comment on reviews, etc.

I have been thinking about making a review system in Wordpress but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me that the Resource Manager is flexible enough for this.

Anyone see anything that RM can't be used as a review system?
It certainly sounds plausible to me; good point!
I have a question about the Resource Manager, will it make selling styles easier with people without their own website and shopping cart? Sort of like IP.Downloads + IP.Nexus?
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