How do you track bugs, feature suggestions, and development plans?

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I've reached a point where it's difficult to track reported bugs and suggestions for features, in particular. Right now this all goes into one Support & Feedback forum.

I'm looking for a better way to organize and log all bugs (reported and their current status) and a way to log all suggestions / wish list items (ideally by category, planned).

How do you guys do it? Do you utilize forums with prefixes, the resource manager, or a third party solution? Any good/open source third party solutions?

For my part I currently use a forum for suggestions and bugs with prefixes.

Regards, SyTry
I do the same across multiple sotes, a forum with prefixes. Same thing as is done on here in the bug report forum.
@NixFifty's ticket system on my add-on site, suggestion/bug report forums (with and without prefixes) on the forums I run and on my add-on site, per-add-on gitlab issues, per-addon github issues, per-contractor conversations, Trello.

Just a few places :P
Do you guys have a private bug-tracking forum, or do you just utilize the threads as reported by members?

I ask because I think I need increased flexibility, i.e. an ability to take members reports and accurately describe the bug/feature for future review. If I just use their thread it's difficult to track it's progression.

Anyone have experience using the resource manager for this purpose?
From what I have seen, all veteran developers host their own XF forums.
And then their treatment varies.
Some dedicate a whole forum category for each single addon and they give each addon a whole node for bugs, suggestions and support. Like Bob.
Some dedicate whole nodes for each addons and use the prefix system for threads to differentiate between suggestions or bugs. Like au lait.
Some dedicate whole nodes for each type (like suggestions, bugs) and uses the prefix system for thread to differentiate between addons. Like Xon.
Some dedicate threads for each addon and let people discuss everything in a single thread. Like Snog.
Some used to host a forum and switched to Github. Like ThemeHouse.
Different forums for open and resolved bugs, feature requests, help, and feedback. I use multi prefix to set the status as well as what the suggestion or bug is about. And prefix essentials to display a list of prefixes to filter on.
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