XF 2.1 How do I replicate this code block

The Xenforo developer said in a thread here that scrolling horizontally for code is fine, it is Google who has it wrong. The thing is, if you don't have mobile friendly pages, they penalise you in the search rankings for mobile.
Yes, they like my forum home page. I am trying to narrow down what it could be. There is something they are doing over there that satisfied the Google appetite!
We may be converging on the same thing. i.e. the target is the code block. I doubt it is the text itself, but rather the formatting that the code block has. That is if it is something inside the code block. It might not be. The difference that strikes me is line density.
The thing is, if you don't have mobile friendly pages, they penalise you in the search rankings for mobile.
They would not do that for one or two forum pages if the main landing page and most of the pages are okay.

Also, that "elements too close together" is a very common false positive I've posted about before. You get that if they object to anything on the page - and even if they don't object to anything else.

I have repeatedly demonstrated that it's bogus this way: Don't change anything on the page where that is the only reported issue, but go into Search Console and click the Fixed button. Google will say it's started analyzing and a couple or a few days later you'll get a notification saying it's okay now - even though you changed nothing.

Mobile friendly with two lines next to each other. Hmm.
Did you notice this? Click on the part with the yellow exlamation mark and you get this:

Page partially loaded
Not all page resources could be loaded. This can affect how Google sees and understands your page. Fix availability problems for any resources that can affect how Google understands your page.
Ok, I played around with the width of the code, increasing and reducing it. That seems to be key to making the page mobile friendly or not. So, a mobile responsive code block with wrapping text would solve it. Unless there is another solution.

What is odd is that the website I linked to in my first post has wide text but still mobile friendly. This brings me back to my original conclusion is that it is down to the type of code block used.
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