How do I create page node anchor links?

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
I want to create links within a page. Actually within a tab within a page.
The usual
<a href="#general">General</a>
<h3 class="textHeading"><a name="general">General</a></h3>
takes me to
What am I doing wrong please?
Thanks. I added {$requestPaths.requestUri} to the links, and that works within a tab when it's open, but is it possible to link to anchors in other tabs which opens the tab?
<ul id="rulestabs" class="Tabs tabs" data-panes="#rules > li">
  <a href="rules1">Primary Rules</a>
  <a href="rules2">Trading Rules</a>
  <a href="rules3">Tab3</a>
<ul id="rules">
Tab 2 - Trading Rules has lots of anchor tabs. Is it possible to link directly to an anchor within that tab?
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