XF 1.1 How do I add my own Copyright?


Well-known member
I'm creating a fansite/community for our gaming community relating to an online game we play. Obviously I need to put the disclaimer and copyright in the footer.

How do I go about this please?
So would I create a template and then enter some code where I want the copyright to show pointing to that template (When you mention hooks)? I'm not a coder.

Or should I just add the copyright/disclaimer to the footer? :oops:
You can hard code it directly to the footer template. Or is this a style that you plan to release it here here as well?

No it's a paid for style and also the default style that i'm using on our own site. I'll add the copyright/disclaimer to the footer template, easier for me :)

Thanks for all the help Borbole and Brogan.
Here's how I did mine.

Rich (BB code):
<ul class="footerLinks">
<xen:hook name="footer_links">
    <li><a href="http://cliptheapex.com/" class="cta_pageCopyright">&copy; Clip The Apex</a></li>

The CSS class in red is to define any styling.
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