How Did You Expose your Social Media Links?


Active member
With social media big these days, i would like to place a picture icon and/or link of my facebook page, instagram, and twitter on my forum. What did you do as a forum owner to expose your Social Media?

Provide examples too! :D

Thanks in advance,
I've been adding them into the new skin I'm working on at the moment for Sizael. Ideally I wanted them to hover at the top over the header area, but it was causing a conflict in the coding so I instead opted to use the advert template for above the sidebar and coded them into that, using the secondaryContent div class to wrap round it. (Can't give a full page view at the moment because the new look is a surprise for the members.)

Here, take a peek :)


  • example.webp
    4.1 KB · Views: 10
I've been adding them into the new skin I'm working on at the moment for Sizael. Ideally I wanted them to hover at the top over the header area, but it was causing a conflict in the coding so I instead opted to use the advert template for above the sidebar and coded them into that, using the secondaryContent div class to wrap round it. (Can't give a full page view at the moment because the new look is a surprise for the members.)

Here, take a peek :)

Finally, someone with an example. Thanks for that. Who else out there got a good example?
I use the built-in Add This feature, however since the current implementation is virtually impossible to find I made a small change.

How to access this popup in XF


On my site I changed it to a "Share" link/button:
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